Fantasia is a 1940 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and released by Walt Disney Productions. With story direction by Joe Grantand Dick Huemer, and production supervision by Ben Sharpsteen, it is the third feature in the Disney animated features canon. The film consists of eight animated segments set to pieces of classical music conducted by Leopold Stokowski; seven of which are performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Music critic and composer Deems Taylor acts as the film\'s Master of Ceremonies, who introduces each segment in live action interstitial scenes.
Disney settled on the film\'s concept as work neared completion on The Sorcerer\'s Apprentice, an elaborate Silly Symphonies short designed as a comeback role for Mickey Mouse who had declined in popularity. As production costs grew higher than what it could earn, he decided to include the short in a feature-length film with other segments set to classical pieces. The soundtrack was recorded using multiple audio channels and reproduced with Fantasound, a pioneering sound reproduction system that made Fantasia the first commercial film shown in stereophonic sound.
Fantasia was first released in theatrical roadshow engagements held in thirteen U.S. cities from November 13, 1940. It received mixed critical reaction, and was unable to make a profit. In part this was due to World War II cutting off the profitable European market, but due as well to the film\'s high production costs and the expense of leasing theatres and installing the Fantasound equipment for the roadshow presentations. Also, audiences who felt that Disney had suddenly gone \'highbrow\' stayed away, preferring the standard Disney cartoons. The film was subsequently reissued multiple times with its original footage and audio being deleted, modified, or restored in each version. As of 2012, Fantasia has grossed $76.4 million in domestic revenue and is the 22nd highest-grossing film of all time in the U.S. when adjusted for inflation.[4] Walt\'s nephew Roy E. Disney co-produced a sequel released in 1999 titled Fantasia 2000.
A collection of animated interpretations of great works of Western classical music.
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leechers: 7 Added on November 16, 2010 by ShivaShantiin Movies > Highres Movies Torrent verified.
Fantasia (BDrip 1080p ENG-ITA-GER) Multisub x264 bluray (1940) (Size: 4.4 GB)
DescriptionYear: 1940 Genre: Animation Family Fantasy Music Director: Ben Sharpsteen Audio: English, Italian, German Subtitles: English, Italian, German, Arabic, Greek INFO: TECHNICAL DATA: File Size: 4476 MB Runtime: 02h 04m 28s Video Codec: X264 Average Quantizer: 22.714 Container: Matroska (.mkv) Video Bitrate: 4064 Kbps Resolution: 1436 x 1080 FPS (Frames/sec): 23.976 QF (Frame quality): 0.109 Audio Codec: AC3 448 kbps 5.1 chnls (English) Aac 256 kbps 5.1 chnls (Italian, German) SCREENSHOTS: Related Torrents
Sharing Widget Download torrent seeders:27 Fantasia (BDrip 1080p ENG-ITA-GER) Multisub x264 bluray (1940) ScreenshotsAll Comments |
Explore Disney Movies to find new, classic and upcoming films, Blu-rays, DVDs, downloads, and much more, including favorites, news and watch online.
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...'>Fantasia Walt Disney Ita Download(12.03.2020)INFO:
Fantasia is a 1940 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and released by Walt Disney Productions. With story direction by Joe Grantand Dick Huemer, and production supervision by Ben Sharpsteen, it is the third feature in the Disney animated features canon. The film consists of eight animated segments set to pieces of classical music conducted by Leopold Stokowski; seven of which are performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Music critic and composer Deems Taylor acts as the film\'s Master of Ceremonies, who introduces each segment in live action interstitial scenes.
Disney settled on the film\'s concept as work neared completion on The Sorcerer\'s Apprentice, an elaborate Silly Symphonies short designed as a comeback role for Mickey Mouse who had declined in popularity. As production costs grew higher than what it could earn, he decided to include the short in a feature-length film with other segments set to classical pieces. The soundtrack was recorded using multiple audio channels and reproduced with Fantasound, a pioneering sound reproduction system that made Fantasia the first commercial film shown in stereophonic sound.
Fantasia was first released in theatrical roadshow engagements held in thirteen U.S. cities from November 13, 1940. It received mixed critical reaction, and was unable to make a profit. In part this was due to World War II cutting off the profitable European market, but due as well to the film\'s high production costs and the expense of leasing theatres and installing the Fantasound equipment for the roadshow presentations. Also, audiences who felt that Disney had suddenly gone \'highbrow\' stayed away, preferring the standard Disney cartoons. The film was subsequently reissued multiple times with its original footage and audio being deleted, modified, or restored in each version. As of 2012, Fantasia has grossed $76.4 million in domestic revenue and is the 22nd highest-grossing film of all time in the U.S. when adjusted for inflation.[4] Walt\'s nephew Roy E. Disney co-produced a sequel released in 1999 titled Fantasia 2000.
A collection of animated interpretations of great works of Western classical music.
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wrong imagewrong image
leechers: 7 Added on November 16, 2010 by ShivaShantiin Movies > Highres Movies Torrent verified.
Fantasia (BDrip 1080p ENG-ITA-GER) Multisub x264 bluray (1940) (Size: 4.4 GB)
DescriptionYear: 1940 Genre: Animation Family Fantasy Music Director: Ben Sharpsteen Audio: English, Italian, German Subtitles: English, Italian, German, Arabic, Greek INFO: TECHNICAL DATA: File Size: 4476 MB Runtime: 02h 04m 28s Video Codec: X264 Average Quantizer: 22.714 Container: Matroska (.mkv) Video Bitrate: 4064 Kbps Resolution: 1436 x 1080 FPS (Frames/sec): 23.976 QF (Frame quality): 0.109 Audio Codec: AC3 448 kbps 5.1 chnls (English) Aac 256 kbps 5.1 chnls (Italian, German) SCREENSHOTS: Related Torrents
Sharing Widget Download torrent seeders:27 Fantasia (BDrip 1080p ENG-ITA-GER) Multisub x264 bluray (1940) ScreenshotsAll Comments |
Explore Disney Movies to find new, classic and upcoming films, Blu-rays, DVDs, downloads, and much more, including favorites, news and watch online.
Or listen to our entire catalogue with our high-quality unlimited streaming subscriptions. Zero DRMThe downloaded files belong to you, without any usage limit. You can download them as many times as you like.
...'>Fantasia Walt Disney Ita Download(12.03.2020)